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This Mozart classic is widely considered to be the greatest opera ever written. Firefly worked with director Richard Sparks, set designer and media art director Yael Pardess and photographer Jenny Okun to bring Don Giovanni to life.  


With only a single stage setup, the entire story was told through 120 high-definition scenes. Using equipment positioned on the catwalk high above the audience, Firefly projected at a very steep angle to ensure the actors never reflected light, as they walked in and out of the arches. All scenes were mapped onto a fabricated backdrop, as three walls were bathed in high-resolution images. 


The dynamic set became an integral part of the production, helping to propel the narrative through the use of transitional components. With three set pieces revealing themselves at different times throughout the show, Firefly was able to synchronize the visual content, regardless of their dissimilar sizes, angles, and positions. It was a triumph of scenic design, as the theatrical element of the production was allowed to shine alongside the performances. 



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