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The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County held its inaugural Dinosaur Institute black-tie event fundraiser, welcoming almost a thousand people. 


To design the video backdrop for the event, Firefly met with the museum’s archaeologist to better understand more specific details about the era. After learning the intricate movements of the dinosaurs-as well as the natural vegetation of the period-an authentic computer-generated animation was brought to life. 


The 60 foot by 18 foot curved screen made for another unique challenge. Because of the centralized location of the dinosaur bones in the room, Firefly had to devise a way to project around the fossils. Image-blending and mapping had to be implemented to allow for a seamless display, despite the irregularity of the curves. 


This meticulously-designed environment was a brief departure from the modern world, transporting the guests to a land and time almost 600 million years ago.



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